Visiting Thailand is a pretty straightforward endeavor for most tourists, especially those from countries with strong passports.

The two options chosen by most travelers are either to obtain the standard Single Entry Thailand Tourist Visa (TR) beforehand online or from a Thai embassy or to opt for visa-exempt entry to the Kingdom.

Most tourists visiting Thailand, however, don’t realize more (and perhaps better) options exist. Options that are potentially more suited to their travel plans and desired length of stay.

This article will provide an overview of all the different types of tourist visas in Thailand, their requirements, and the pros and cons of each. So you can choose the best tourist visa for your upcoming trip to Thailand.

Types of Thailand Tourist Visas

1. Visa Exemption

By far the easiest option for tourists heading to Thailand is Visa Exemption entry. This allows travelers from certain countries to enter Thailand for 30 days without obtaining an actual tourist visa beforehand.

Put simply, provided you are a traveler from one of the countries approved for visa-exempt entry (most countries), you can just show up at the airport and get stamped into Thailand. Visa exempt entry is available to passport holders of the United States, Australia, Canada, most European countries, etc.

To enter Thailand under the Visa Exemption, travelers must have a valid passport, a return ticket, and sufficient funds to support themselves during their stay. Like all the other visas on this list, it can be extended for up to 30 more days, giving tourists a total of 60 days in the country.

Pros: The Visa Exemption is the easiest and quickest way to enter Thailand. It requires no application process and is available to travelers from many countries.

Cons: The shortest length of stay among the three most popular Thailand tourist visa types. Visa-exemption can also only be used twice during a calendar year to visit Thailand.

2. Single Entry Tourist Visa (TR)

The next most common option is the Single Entry Tourist Visa. This visa allows travelers to stay in Thailand for up to 60 days (with a 30-day extension available).

To obtain the standard Thailand Tourist Visa, travelers must apply at a Thai embassy or consulate in their home country or another foreign country. Thailand now accepts online applications for all visa types including Single Entry Tourist Visas. This tourist visa costs around $60 or 2,000 THB depending on the embassy or consulate you apply at.

The requirements for the Single Entry Tourist Visa include a valid passport, a completed visa application form, a passport-sized photo, proof of accommodation, proof of onward travel, and proof of financial means to support their stay in Thailand.

Pros: Allows for a longer stay in Thailand than visa-exempt entry and is a relatively cheap option. Also, the standard Tourist Visa is granted in the vast majority of cases and only takes 5 to 10 working days to process.

Cons: The Tourist Visa requires an application process, which means preparing and submitting documents and waiting for it to process. This is more time-consuming than visa-exempt entry.

3. Multiple-Entry Tourist Visa (METV)

The Thailand Multiple Entry Tourist Visa is a visa type that is far too often overlooked by travelers coming to Thailand. In fact, many tourists don’t even know it exists. In short, Thailand’s Multiple Entry Tourist Visa allows tourists to visit Thailand for up to roughly nine months if timed correctly.

Let us explain.

Basically, the METV visa allows travelers to enter and exit Thailand multiple times within a 6-month time frame. Each time the visitor enters Thailand within the 6-month window, they can stay for up to 60 days and extend that up to 30 days. Unlike other Thai tourist visas, however, the 6 month window of entering/exiting Thailand starts immediately the day it is issued rather than the day you enter the country.

So to clarify, upon the date of the visa issuance, the traveler holds access to Thailand for multiple entries for 6 months. Up until the last day of that 6-month period, the traveler can re-enter Thailand and stay for 60 days plus 30 days with an extension at immigration.

So 6 months + 60 days + 30 days = nearly 9 months (if timed correctly).

This type of visa is available for all of the same countries that have access to the Single Entry Tourist Visa for Thailand and requires many of the same documents. On the downside, though, it costs roughly $200 or 6,000 THB depending on the embassy or consulate and applicants must show evidence of much more funds in the bank.

Pros: The METV visa is the best tourist visa option for two types of travelers.

  1. Travelers who want to enter and exit Thailand as they wish (great for those on long trips throughout the entirety of Southeast Asia).
  2. Visitors who want to stay in Thailand for a long period of time without having to do visa runs or re-apply for a new tourist visa every few months.

Cons: On the flip side, the Multiple Entry Tourist Visa is a stricter and costlier option that requires more documents and higher proof of funds in the bank.

4. Thai Visa on Arrival (VOA)

Even though it’s not one of the best options in our opinion, we will still mention the Thai Visa on Arrival. This option allows travelers to obtain a tourist visa for Thailand on arrival at the airport.

This tourist visa gives visitors a 30-day duration of stay (previously 15-day) in Thailand and can be extended 7 days. To be eligible for this visa, you must hold a passport from one of the 19 eligible countries and have a return ticket, proof of sufficient funds, and a confirmed hotel reservation.

Pros: The Thai Visa on Arrival provides a flexible option for travelers who may not have time to apply for a visa prior to their Thailand trip. Additionally, the process of obtaining the Visa on Arrival is simple and straightforward considering it can be done when landing at the Thai airport. But that’s about it.

Cons: If we’re being completely honest, we almost never recommend getting a Visa on Arrival in Thailand due to the fact that Visa-Exemption entry already exists for many of the countries eligible for a Visa on Arrival. Visa-exempt entry allows for a longer duration of stay and doesn’t require any application process. It’s a win-win.

Picking the Right Thai Tourist Visa for Your Travel Plans

Ultimately, choosing the right tourist visa for Thailand largely comes down to your travel plans and desires.

Do you want to stay in Thailand for a short time and don’t want the headache of an application process? Go the visa-exempt route.

Do you want to move to Thailand long-term and really experience the daily life and culture in a more meaningful way? Opt for the Multiple Entry Tourist Visa.

Or do you want a balance of both? Then maybe the Standard Tourist Visa will be more your cup of tea.

Whatever the case, your next trip to Thailand is sure to be a hit!

Related: How to Obtain a Thai Education Visa, Explained

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