Thailand is a great country with lots to love. But, it’s definitely not easy for foreigners to navigate the legal side of things in Thailand.

So for foreigners who are in search of legal services in Thailand, finding a reputable Thailand law firm is a huge must. There are many international law firms in Thailand with English-speaking lawyers ready to assist foreigners in need of legal help.

But “reputable” is the keyword here as not all lawyers in Thailand provide high-quality legal services to individuals–especially foreigners.

How to find a reputable law firm in Thailand?

Research, research, research. Finding a top law firm in Thailand comes down to three essential steps:

  1. Look at online reviews written by foreigners who have used the Thailand law firm in question.
  2. Check their website to make sure they provide the legal service you need.
  3. Call them and discuss the legal issue and ask for a price estimation.

Top 5 law firms in Thailand, ranked

1. Tilleke & Gibbins

Tilleke & Gibbins is a regional law firm that’s been around since 1890 and practices law all across Southeast Asia. They cover business deals to patents, and what’s best is that many of their over 230 lawyers are fluent in English. So, discussing whatever legal issue you have won’t be a game of charades.

2. Chaninat & Leeds

Chaninat & Leeds is a Thailand law firm that specializes in helping foreigners deal with legal issues small and large. They are most known for immigration law, family law like getting a divorce in Thailand, and criminal law. Chaninat & Leeds has a group of experienced English-speaking lawyers ready to assist its clients. They are a smaller law firm than the rest on this list but that is actually a plus. Their quality of service and attention to detail is special.

3. Siam Legal International

Siam Legal International is one of the premier law firms in Bangkok. They specialize in family law, property law, business law, and–most importantly–immigration law. So if you are a foreigner looking for help with visa issues, overstays, blacklisting, or any other immigration conundrum, give Siam Legal International a call and they will sort it out. Siam Legal, like Chaninat, is a Thailand law firm designed specifically to help foreigners who need legal help.

4. Juslaws & Consult

Juslaws & Consult is an international law firm based in Bangkok. Armed with 60-plus multilingual lawyers, Juslaws specializes in helping international clients open businesses in Thailand. But they also deal in many other areas of law, such as civil litigation, criminal disputes, property law, tax matters, and condo purchases. Online reviews of Juslaws & Consult are consistently good.

5. CSBC Law Offices

With a heavy focus on commercial law, CSBC Law Offices has long been one of Thailand’s top law firms for foreigners. They provide expat legal services such as securing work permits, permanent residency, foreign business licenses, and direct investment. Most of their staff is fluent in English and they recently opened a Chinese desk to offer legal services to Chinese investors.

How much does it cost to hire a law firm in Thailand?

The cost of hiring a law firm in Thailand can vary widely depending on the nature and complexity of the legal services required.

On average, legal fees in Thailand are competitive compared to many Western countries, making it an attractive destination for legal services. For routine matters such as visa applications or simple real estate transactions, fees might be relatively modest, often ranging from a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars.

However, for more intricate issues like complex business transactions or litigation, the costs can escalate significantly. It’s common for law firms in Thailand to charge on an hourly basis, and rates can differ based on the experience and expertise of the attorneys involved.

Find the right lawyer in Thailand

Whether you’re tackling immigration, business deals, or family matters, these five Thailand law firms have proven their quality time and again. So if you are in need of a reputable lawyer in Thailand, you could do a lot worse than any of the choices listed above!

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