Tag: work permit

  • How to Stay in Thailand Long-term (10 Best Options)

    Thailand is an amazing country. For that reason, it’s no surprise that many foreigners are constantly looking for ways to stay in Thailand longer than their current visa situation allows. Or, heck, even move to Thailand for the foreseeable future. That’s why we’re here to help. Many foreigners who fall in love with Thailand unfortunately…

  • What Happens if You Overstay Your Visa in Thailand?

    It’s no surprise that many visitors in Thailand find themselves wanting to stay longer than their visa allows. Wanting to do it is fine–even expected–but actually doing it can have consequences like fines and/or other harsher penalties. In fact, some long-term overstayers potentially face detainment in immigration jail or being deported and blacklisted (banned) from…

  • Top 9 Reasons to Move to Thailand & How to Make It Happen

    Nowadays, pretty much everyone knows that Thailand is one the best tourist destinations on the planet. It’s an amazing country with a rich culture, stunning beaches, tasty food, and welcoming people. But for those same reasons, it’s also one of the best countries in the world for expats. Essentially, relocating to Thailand is like putting…